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Everything you need to know as the parent of a college bound student
September 11, 2023 6:00-8:00 pm
WSU Campus
Woolsey Hall - Barton School of Business

Planning for college can be a confusing and stressful process for both students and parents.


This free event is your first step in navigating the path to college!


6:00-7:30 pm

Local experts will be speaking on these topics:

  • Applications & Admissions

  • Building a College List

  • Affording College

  • Social/Emotional Health

  • Athletics

  • Academic Support

  • Choosing a Major


7:30-8:00 pm

Speakers and other local resources will be available to answer questions and offer information




Let us know you're coming so we can plan for giveaways and enter you to win prizes such as an Amazon Gift card or ACT Prep book!

More resources!

These local resources will also be available to answer questions and offer help!

Ashley Watkins

Aslhey Watkins Coaching

Certified Academic Life Coach

Speciaizing in student empowerment

The Andover Tutoring Scene in Andover, Kansas

Andover Tutoring Scene

Providing ACT Prep courses, one on one prep, and private tutoring in all aubject areas.

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